5D Tools - ARTF2224

13CSS AnimationAPR 12

You can view the requirements for your final here. Please check them out and let me know if you have questions!

This is our last week 😭 and we're learning about CSS animation 🎉

Presentation on CSS animation

Class code


Keep working on your final for this class. Reminder: it's due April 27th by 5pm. If you want to incorporate CSS animation into your project, feel free to use it as an opportunity to practice! It's not one of the requirements, though.

12Responsive Websites (Media Queries)APR 5

You can view the requirements for your final here. Please check them out and let me know if you have questions!

This week we'll be covering how to make media queries in order to make your websites look great on both desktop and mobile.

Presentation on responsive websites

Class code


Keep working on your final for this class. Use this week's lesson to meet the requirement for at least one implementation of a media query where soemething on your website changes upon resizing from large to small screen.

Your Final!

Your final for this class is to create a personal website. Most of you will be doing a portfolio site, but it can be anything you want. We've been talking about this all semester and finally here is a list of requirements! I originally had you create 5 html, and 1 css files, but then only required you to design 4 pages for week 11's homework so I wanted to clarify what the details were for the final.

Due Date

April 27th by 5pm EST


This project is worth 115pts. 100 of those points are based on meeting the requirements, and 15 of those points are based on whether it's apparent that you put effort and TLC into the project.

Tender love and care ❤️

Website Requirements

What to submit

Submit files for Final Website

11Designing your websiteMAR 29

We're going to be using Sketch (please download the free trial) to design our portfolio -or other type of- website! We'll cover best practices around consistency, the basics of using sketch, and looking at examples of cool portfolio sites for inpsiration.

Presentation on designing for the web

Portfolio site example designs

Places to look for inspiration

These can also be found under resources


Design your website for this class! Think about the things we talked about during class and what content you want to include. Your site must include the following:

Export your design as a PDF and upload it. 15pts

Submit homework for week 11

10Web Typography (no in person class)MAR 22

Not all of you are design students, and even if you are and know the basics of typography, there are some best practices for typography on the web that are useful to know!

Typography for the Web presentation


Choose any recipe and make it look typographically nice and interesting on a web page according to the principles and CSS in the presentation.

Add your recipe index.html and style.css files to your newly live website on AWS (or whatever service you're using for hosting). Please add the URL to your live site to this google spreadsheet 15pts

09Getting your site online (no in person class)MAR 15

Follow this guide to get your site online!

Guide to hosting with AWS

Code snippet for enabling permissions (the one in the PDF isn't copying correctly)

08Links and ImagesFEB 28

Finally spending the time covering multi-page websites, how to add links and images to your HTML.

Presentation from class


1. Create 6 HTML pages from scratch (remember to include all the necessary meta information and starting tags). You can style this as much as you want to but we'll be focusing on designs in another class. 15pts

You should include:

Your files are local to your computer so your URLs will not look pretty, they will be something like file://blahblah/uglyurls/yourname/my-website.......... This is totally fine for this assignment, when grading I'm looking at the folder structure that you've created.

How should this assignemnt look? It can be as plain as you want. Please just include something (like an h1 tag with a title) so that I know what page I'm looking at. You can style it and add as much content as you want, since eventually you'll be making this into your final portfolio site project, but it's not required for this week's assignment.

3. Fill out this survey (if you haven't already) to help me help you!

Upload a zipped folder containing your 5 html and 1 css files.

Submit homework for week 8

07Flexbox for LayoutsFEB 22

We're continuing to learn about layout in CSS, but this week using Flexbox. Refer to the resources page for a really handy guide to flexbox.

Starter files


1. Starting with the starter files (link above) and using only flexbox properties, recreate the layout in each demo from the flexbox-demos.png image. If you followed along during class, you should already be done with this. 5pts

2. Complete Flexbox Froggy, a game that helps you practice flexbox. 10pts

3. Fill out this survey to help me help you!

Upload a zipped folder containing your index.html and style.css files, and a screenshot showing that you completed Flexbox Froggy.

Submit homework for week 7

06Adding Fonts & Styling our Mock SitesFEB 15

Go over how to add web fonts.

Web Fonts presentation

Class code


Finish styling the mock portfolio site to actually look like the mockup.

Upload a zipped folder containing your index.html file, your style.css file, the images, and font files. 15pts

Submit homework for week 6

05CSS Selectors and FloatsFEB 8

Review the homework (HTML structure of mock portfolio site), review CSS selectors and learn about floats, start adding CSS to our mock site.

My HTML for Mock Portfolio

CSS Selectors presentation

Floats presentation


Style the mock portfolio site using floats, margins, and padding to achieve the layout of the mock site. Only worry about the layout for now, we will do fonts and details next week. 15pts

Upload a zipped folder containing your index.html file, your style.css file and the images.

Submit homework for week 5

04Web Patterns & HTML OrganizationFEB 1

Go over some common web patterns and how to write them using markup.

PDF from class

Class code


Source files

Using the "Portfolio Site Template.pdf" as a model, create an HTML file and add the content (including images) using the appropriate HTML elements. Group sections of content using divs with your own classes. Don't worry about CSS yet, we'll do that in class together. 15pts

Upload a zipped folder containing your index.html file and the images.

Submit homework for week 4

03The CSS Box ModelJAN 25

Going over the CSS box model, divs, spans, starting some layout, and some cool stuff.

Box model image from class

Code from class


Recreate the "result.png" design as closely as possible using HTML and CSS that we have learned and these source files. Try to center the entire design on the page the way the image shows. 15pts

Upload a zipped folder containing your index.html file, your style.css file, and the sample image.

Submit homework for week 3

02HTML & CSS AnatomyJAN 18

How to structure HTML and CSS files, link them together, and setting up some basic elements. Use the links provided in the Resources section for any elements or styles we haven't covered in class yet.


Throughout the semester we will be working towards creating portfolio sites (or a different personal site).

Adding to the files we started in class, add the following content and styles to your site:


Upload a zipped folder containing your index.html file and your style.cssfile.

Submit homework for week 2

01Intro & VocabularyJAN 11

Introductions, go over the syllabus, install a text editor, go over definitions of some common web terms.

PDF from class


Fill out this survey! (Easiest points ever) 5pts

Survey for Week 01